!@#% [:

I've been wrecking my brain just to think of what to put in this entry.
I'm still clueless though.
!$@$#%$&*. -__-
(5 minutes later..)

Just probably thinking whether my mum is drunk..
She came home with that awkward look on her face and was kinda acting weirdly.
Oh well, she and dad are knocked out and lying motionless on the couches and the television's blaring away..
And that's good 'cause they won't irrate me for the time being.
A little peace on my own.

It's going to be another day at home, again.
Sigh, I'll go insane if this carries on for days...
Anyway, just finished reading another novel.
I'm proud of myself though, 'cause frankly, I hatedislike reading.
Anyway, the novel's wonderfully written with witty characters and a good story line.
Great sex too!!!(blushes.. hurhur.)
And it ended off well.
'Down There' by Pamela Rentmond Santran.
Four out of five stars rating I would give! [:
Hmmmmm, maybe I should stay home and bury my head under all these story books.

I fathom it's going to be a hectic week next week 'cause school's starting and all.
I hope I don't embarrass myself or do anything blunderous.
It's going to be a whole new experience!
Yadah yadah..
(Telling myself: Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3 in TP would be GREAT. Nothing could go wrong! HAHA, AS IF... Ya, hope it will be a smooth-sailing journey anyway.)
Weee, orientation's three days away!!!
Hope everyone will have great years ahead in their new enviroment!!
To those who are erm, LOST? And didn't get what they wanted..
Please don't despair, there's always the October intake.
&ITE isn't that bad afterall.
If you work hard, you'll make it to Poly next year yea?
Have a little faith in yourself.
To those taking their O Levels this year, don't let your efforts go to waste!!
MUG HARD, I'm sure you'll get really good results!!
WAHAHAHA, nonsensical, but true! [:
With Mid-Year Examinations looming around the corner, don't let it bring you down, huh?!
Beat it all with your knowledge!
Alright, I'm getting very long-winded. Need to cut the crap.
All the best everyone!!!
&of course, ME! YAY!
Good night &take care!!


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